Libryo FAQs
Understand more about how Libryo works and is used by businesses by reading our Libryo FAQs below. If you have any additional questions please get in touch.
Questions about Libryo
What does Libryo do?
Libryo is the company building and supporting the Libryo Platform. The Libryo Platform is a SaaS ecosystem of software applications, content, professional services and third-party software integrations built on top of a global API-driven regulatory dataset. The Libryo Platform provides certainty for any person working in any organisation about what regulation requires of them in any situation.
What is a legal register?
A legal register is a collection of legal requirements faced by an organisation, which are compiled according to its location, legal jurisdictions and operational activities. Read more here.
How long have you been operating?
Libryo has been a registered company in the UK since 2016.
What are Libryo Streams?
Libryo Streams are automated legal registers that are genuinely useful because they contain the regulations you face, as well as content which you need to follow it. They are web-based, interactive and up to date. Each Libryo Stream is tailored to a specific context or operation and includes only the regulations relevant to that operation, right down to the specific sections that must be complied with. For each applicable section of legislation, plain language summaries are included and the full legal text, plus a host of other features and benefits.
What is the difference between Libryo, Libryo Streams and the Libryo Platform?
The Libryo Platform is the online platform where your company or organisation will access its different Libryo Streams either via Libryo’s application or via an application built by a third party. There will usually be one Libryo Stream for each operation where a unique set of regulatory requirements are faced. Libryo is the company who delivers the Libryo Platform.
What makes the Libryo Platform unique?
Unlike most legal register offerings on the market, the Libryo Platform is Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) with a dynamic data structure. The regulatory data is made available as Data-as-a-Service (DaaS) via Libryo apps as well as apps built by third parties. This means that changes to legislation are quickly reflected in a Libryo Stream and users can search by topic to get section-specific results across regulations. Traditional legal registers quickly become outdated and are cumbersome to use. The Libryo Platform can, in real time, for any precise topic, in any context and place, tell you exactly what applies to your organization, right down to a section level and in plain language. You can also easily link your operational risks to your legal risks. The Libryo Platform is able to offer this for any type of regulation, in any country, and is unique in its ability to service multinational enterprises.
What is the value of using the Libryo Platform?
Efficiency and accuracy. The Libryo Platform offers value to its customers by increasing efficiency and saving time in knowing the specific, up-to-date regulatory obligations faced, anytime. The Libryo Platform also enables applicable legal regulations to be known more accurately than through manual legal research (even if such research is performed by professionals like lawyers). This lowers the risk of liability for non-compliance. Customers have reported significant savings in legal compliance costs up to $200,000 per year, per region by using the Libryo Platform.
Is Libryo a GRC (governance, risk and compliance) software platform?
Libryo is a niche specialist in the GRC software market and the only one with a strong focus on making legal regulations known and understood in a context-specific way. There are three parts to legal compliance: knowing, managing and assuring. Without knowing what regulation requires of your company, you cannot put systems in place to manage compliance and you certainly cannot report against those requirements. GRC platforms integrate with the Libryo Platform and regulatory data is made available through its API to the GRC platforms. The compliance modules of GRC platforms may contain regulatory data from the Libryo Platform DaaS.
How do you find the regulation?
Libryo works with governments to access the regulation around the world. We also have a team of legal engineers who source the regulations, as well as partnering with many law firms, legal content providers and not for profits.
Do I need a legal register for my business?
Ignorance of the law is never an excuse if you break the law. And if you don’t know what regulation requires of you, you cannot manage compliance with it. Regulation also changes all of the time. A legal register that is kept up to date routinely is very helpful for an organization, of any size and is the start-line of legal compliance.
Libryo for my business
I manage compliance for a multinational organization. What benefit can the Libryo Platform provide?
Regulation differs materially from country to country, and nationally, as you cross internal borders such as states, provinces, cantons, departments, districts, municipalities and cities. If you are responsible for the legal compliance of a multinational organization, this regulatory complexity is simply too much when relying on traditional legal libraries - even if they are digital in nature. This is because the legal provisions that apply uniquely to each operation in each location depends on the jurisdiction (which is comprised of national and subnational regulation) as well as the specific operations of the company. Without the Libryo Platform, this becomes a massive, expensive and never-ending legal research project. The Libryo Platform provides the best overview of legal requirements faced at each operation or context. It allows you to drill down into each one and compare the legal obligations and consequences of non-compliance at each operation, anywhere in the world, and all of this on a topic by topic basis.
Does using the Libryo Platform help with ISO certification and compliance?
Yes. Many ISO standards such as ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 and ISO 27001:2005, and other standards for management systems require the organization to identify relevant legal and other requirements. If this is performed manually, it is a time-consuming, often inaccurate exercise which is out of date shortly after the project is completed. No customer of Libryo has ever failed an ISO management system certification or re-certification audit, on the grounds of the legal register. Customers benefit from the legal requirements identification and integration into their management systems being performed automatically.
I use Microsoft Excel for my risk assessments in my management. Can I use the Libryo Platform?
The Libryo Platform is unique in its ability to link operational risk to legal requirements. The regulations in each Libryo Stream are organised on a section specific and topic by topic basis. Because of this organisation, the previously impossible integration of risk items in risk assessments with the applicable legal requirements is now possible. If you use Microsoft Excel for your risk assessments, your risk assessments can be integrated with the Libryo Platform so that the legal obligations faced per operational risk never needs to be updated again.
You had me at “automated”, how do I get started?
Once your company has signed up to benefit from being a Libryo customer, our Customer Success team will start the compilation process with you. This process of ensures that the Libryo Platform understands each and every aspect of your business, on an operation by operation, or context by context basis. This determines which specific regulations apply at each operation or context. We call this customer context data. It is gathered by a questionnaire. Once we have this information, a Libryo Stream (which includes a custom legal register) will be configured for each distinct operation and context in your organization.
I’d like to speak to somebody at Libryo about signing my company up
Sure - please complete this form and we’ll be in touch shortly.
How can you be sure you won't miss any legal updates?
Libryo's basic data building block, called a "Libryo Stream", is the collection of regulatory requirements applicable to a customer’s scope of business and legal research interest, at a specific physical address. Users are connected to one of many Libryo Streams and then are updated if any regulation applicable to those Libryo Stream(s) changes. If we have insufficient or unknown data about customer context on a given Libryo Stream, we will provide too many updates rather than too few. Thus, the only risk is receiving too many (some not applicable) change notifications, as opposed to too few. You should never miss an update!
What types of regulation do you track?
Libryo can track Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS) regulation, from hyper-local (like municipal or city), to national/federal, to super national (like the EU) for any industry.
What countries do you provide this solution for?
We have a lot of countries covered already, but it's a simple and quick process for us to find the regulation if not already in our database. We aim to have access to regulation everywhere in the world by 2025.
Who is the Libryo Platform used by?
The Libryo Platform is used by in-house professionals, with legal, governance, risk and compliance functions (including ESG and global sustainability), working in organisations that typically operate across multiple global and local jurisdictions. While Libryo can assist any organisation, our major current focus areas are power generation, waste management, global supply chains, oil & gas, mining, global financial services and global facilities management.
How long does it take to set up a solution for a business?
This depends on the complexity of the regulation you need and the number of operations you have. As a rule of thumb, we say one week per Libryo Stream, which is the regulation relevant to a particular business, division or particular thing, such as a transaction or business operation.
What if you don't have the legal content that we need?
It's a simple and quick process for us to find the regulation if it's not already in the Libryo database. We have built an infrastructure that enables us to source and filter regulation for a particular operation in approximately 1 week. Our mission is to have access to regulation everywhere in the world by 2025.
Do you help us find the regulation we need?
Yes, our Customer Success team will start the compilation process with you. This is the process of ensuring that the Libryo Platform understands each and every aspect of your business, on an operation by operation, or context by context basis. This determines which specific regulations apply at each operation or context. We call this "customer context data". It is gathered by questionnaire. Once we have gathered this information from you, a Libryo Stream or Libryo Streams (a custom legal register) will be configured for each distinct operation and context in your organization.
Questions about Libryo billing
How is Libryo priced?
The Libryo service is structured to meet your specific legal and compliance needs. The pricing is an annual subscription based upon several factors such as:
- The number of different operations in which your business is engaged
- The legal jurisdictions in which you operate
- The types of business activities
- The range of regulations and/or regulations applicable to your organisation
- The scope of professional services you are seeking
Using the information above, we will determine the number of Libryo Streams needed for your business, the required software interface, plus any supplementary content/data and professional services necessary to solve your requirement in the most cost efficient way. Visit our pricing page for more information.
What are the options for payment?
Contracts are annual with the option to pay monthly or annually in advance. Libryo offers a discount for companies who pay in advance. Libryo supports payment by credit card, EFT or monthly debit order.
How do I change my billing preference?
Contact [email protected] to make any changes to billing.
Technical questions about Libryo
What are the operating system requirements for the Libryo Platform?
The Libryo Platform is a progressive web application, and hence, runs in the browser. We recommend Chrome and Firefox, with Safari and Microsoft Edge as alternative options. If used on a mobile phone or tablet, the Libryo app can be added to your home screen, and will act like a native mobile application.
How secure is the Libryo Platform?
The Libryo platform is secured by HTTPS (TLS). Your data is encrypted with the industry standard AES-256 encryption algorithm and is replicated over multiple availability zones. Backups are performed daily.
Where is data stored?
The data is stored securely in AWS data centres in the EU and backed up daily.
Is my data safe?
The data is stored securely in AWS data centres in the EU, and backed up daily.
How often should I change my password?
Libryo recommends changing your password on a regular basis - every six months is sufficient.
How does Libryo's tracking technology work?
Libryo has developed technology and processes which monitor sources of global regulation (super national through to hyper-local) for change. Technologies include scrapers and transformers, which convert regulatory text into a uniform, cross comparable and self-describing dataset, in the proprietary LibryoXML format. Processes are overseen by Libryo's expert digital legal engineers and are constantly advancing Libryo's enrichment of the LegalXML and its record of semantic meaning captured in a knowledge graph which is linked to the LibryoXML. Libryo's Collaborate (micro-jobbing) programme is also leveraged to further enrich the meta data that is linked to the LibryoXML and provide value-added content useful to Libryo's customers. NLP and Machine Learning (so called "AI") technologies are also leveraged to augment the work of Libryo's Legal Engineers and Turks.
What is Libryo's integration capability?
The Libryo Platform has a full documented RESTful API that allows our customer and partners to integrate with it.
How do you ensure data protection and keep my information private from other users on the platform?
The data is stored securely in AWS data centres in the EU and backed up daily. We create Libryo Streams for each operation and business. This information is tailored specifically to your needs and isn't accessible for unpermitted users in your company or anyone outside. The my.libryo platform is accessible only over a secure encrypted connection (HTTPS) and we have enterprise access control capabilities like 2FA.
Who creates the legal highlights and other legal content?
We have a global team of legal engineers which have legal training and experience. They oversee the creation of all content that is used to follow the requirements of regulation. Sometimes these are plain language highlights. Libryo has also set up the Libryo Collaborate micro-jobbing programme whereby lawyers, including top law students, participate to create plain language highlights and other content used to follow regulation. All legal content undergoes rigorous quality checks and approvals before being published on the Libryo Platform.
Is the creation of highlights automated?
No. This is the human element of the process where we take the complicated language and simplify it for quicker understanding. Our Libryo Collaborate programme covers this function, individuals interpret the regulation and then create a highlight. This is sent for rigorous checks with other legal professionals before it is released and updated in the Libryo Platform.
How long does it take to receive a legal update?
Updates of changes to regulation are typically available within 24-48 hours of the update being made on the source which Libryo uses to track changes to regulation. We think about this as near real time updates which is different to the monthly, quarterly or annual updates available elsewhere.
Can you show what legal updates are coming in the future?
Yes. The specifics of this will depend on the legal domain and the jurisdictions required. Please enquire for further information.
Does Libryo use machine learning?
Yes. Libryo has a natural language processing (NLP) team and a data science function. Behind the Libryo Platform is a team of legal engineers who work to deliver custom legal content through the Libryo Platform using Libryo's unique legal data structure.